From Easton Selby’s Desk

Easton Selby, Professor of Visual Art, is about to finish his first year as Associate Dean in the Edwards College. He offered his perspective on teaching, his creative production, and the transition to remote instruction.

What classes are you teaching this semester?

Fall 2020 I am teaching ARTS 262 Introduction to Photography. This will be our first time offering a full-on all digital introductory photography course.

What is your primary area of creative production?

Photography. I love documentary work and have a deep passion for the darkroom. The smell of photo chemicals gives me the feels.

What are you working on right now in your creative work?

Right now my life is devoted to work in the dean’s office. I am however working through a few ideas to expand my Conjure series. This involves objects encased in silver and a few other fancy things.

How are you handling the transition to the online environment?

I have been using Moodle for a while, but I have enjoyed having TEAMS conversations with my students. This past Spring I only taught independent studies and I have to say those students rocked out producing some beautiful work from home.

What are you doing to keep busy in your downtime?

There is no downtime in the Deans office.

You can learn more about Easton’s creative work on his faculty profile.

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