Malikah Freshley

B.A. Studio Arts 2021 Coastal Carolina University


“Reality starts to set in when hope does not allow life to produce a seed…”


Women’s bodies are like vessels and it is thought of as being a precious instrument, since it creates and sustains life. Reality starts to set in when hope does not allow life to produce a seed, which feels like a wasteful thing to use. For women that wish to conceive, most women want to get pregnant naturally, but for some, the body just will not allow that to happen.  A final option is IVF. Due to my ovaries being covered by cysts, the chance of carrying my own children is nearly impossible. The emotional trauma from this diagnosis was more depleting than the cysts.

Stages explores the reality of what my body is currently experiencing as an aspiring mother. This series consist of eight intimate monochromatic photographs that are meant to cause a reaction and challenge the taboo idea that this conversation should be kept private. The images are shot close to reveal the texture and rawness of each photo to stirrup questions. The titles are meant to tell a story, but the images are out of order to cause the audience to tell their own stories.  

The idea behind Stages is to inform and to force questions. Women’s bodies go through a lot of chemical changes when trying to conceive a child. No one ever see those changes or talk about it in public, unless it is done behind closed doors and having a private conversation. This series is meant to show people those changes and the titles act as the emotions behind them.
